четвъртък, 25 декември 2008 г.

back from London

hey-hey ho-ho!!! Im back from London with my super heavy suitcase- 25kg:)))
Lots of presents for my friends and family and new stuff for meeeeeeee!:)
I had a great time in London..the best christmas ever!!

3 коментара:

Ivelina FriChic каза...

Hey, hey, houuuu!!!
Весела Коледа!
Seems like you are in a great mood, keep it :)

ZoryMory каза...

for sure!!! It was the best timee ever!!!!
hugs for uu,merry christmas:)

Zornitsa каза...

Vesela Koleda Zory!
Chakam da ni pokajesh novite si popylneniq v garderoba